Green VET Choices: Pilot testing of the Virtual Portal

The time has come! The Green VET Choices project is in the pilot phase! The 24 innovative Green VET Choices stories can still be tried out and tested until the end of May, and we are looking forward to receiving feedback! PARTICIPATE HERE At the end of the project on 31 May, the big official … read more

Green VET Choices – story update

The Green VET Choices project partners are getting creative! More information: Each partner has already developed one full story for the Green VET Choices Virtual Portal and they are now continuing the creative process, writing their upcoming, remaining stories. The Virtual Portal will be an online platform with illustrated 24 stories inspired by sustainable … read more

Green VET Choices partner meeting 3

The Green VET Choices project held its third partner meeting this week, according to plan in an online session. In this meeting, partners had the chance to discuss their progress, present their first Green VET stories, discuss any open questions and the general outline of the upcoming project tasks.

Green VET Choices Team Teaching

This month (21-25 November 2022), the Green VET Choices Team Teaching was carried out in Lisbon, hosted by our project partner eFuturo. It was a great occasion for the partnership to meet each other and be learners and trainers at the same time. All participants contributed with interesting workshops on green and VET topics, preparing … read more

SOMRA pilot testing

The SOMRA project offers an innovative approach to addressing two major challenges of the 21st century: climate change and the refugee crisis. This is done by engaging refugees, asylum seekers and migrants in meaningful activities that make them environmental role models with lasting impact in their new and former homes. Currently, the project is in … read more

Green VET Choices Website

Check out the Green VET Choices website:, where all our project results will be presented when they are ready. You will find project news, links to our social channels and more information about our results. The Green VET Choices Virtual Portal will also be available through this website.

Green VET Choices partner meeting 2

The Green VET Choices project started this spring and in July, the partnership was finally able to meet in person in Graz, Austria. This was the project’s second partner meeting, after the first one earlier this year had to be held online due to the Corona pandemic. The project partners dicussed their progress, upcoming results, … read more