Green Meme Effect
January 2023 - January 2025
The GREEN MEME EFFECT project has three main objectives:
[1] Foster and promote green thinking, lifestyle and attitudes in youth and marginalised youth.
[2] Equip the actors in the physical and digital social space (youth workers, youth support, parents, peers,
companies/NGOs/local authorities) to become green role models and inspire through micro-interventions.
[3] Promote social responsibility, initiative and participation in eco-friendly and sustainable action in the local communities.
In a 24-month project duration, 6 partner organisations from 6 EU countries (AT, PT, IE, IT, CY, SE) will produce an innovative methodology and a range of different practical, low-threshold materials to reach the project objectives. The target groups of youth and youth support workers will be engaged in various stages of the process and partners plan to meet F2F at critical stages for transnational meetings and learning activities. A transnational final conference will conclude the project.
The project will produce these tangible main results:
[1] GREEN INFO CARDS & VIDEOS & interactive online quizzes.
[2] GUIDELINE on how to apply the GREEN MEME EFFECT methodology in informal settings.
[3] COLLECTION of physical & digital materials to implement MEME micro-interventions in digital & physical social space of youth.
[4] Educational GAME that can be played in typical youth work settings.
[5] IDEA SET for theme days in youth centres to take eco-friendly actions in the local community.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.