November 2022 - October 2025
Sustainable Development Goals - Impact for your company and VET Mobility
Going abroad as part of the learning experience in VET is quite popular among all of Europe. While developing personally and occupationally, the VET learners also have to develop skills and competencies for the global development and a better future. One of the most significant aspects in this context is sustainabile development as it will shape the course of the future.
This project aims at sensitising the younger learners and VET staff for and educating them about sustainability, offering an easy way to incorporate it into their daily life and using them as ambassadors for the further spreading of the idea. This is done through the creation of a progressive web application (WP4) which brings a modularised curriculum to the learners and enables them to always have it at their hands.
They are thus well equipped to fight climate change in their own environment with information, practical applications, learnings and a network just one click away. With the modularised content, learning happens on the go and according to the individual needs, ensuring the content is used after the initial curriculum and even after the project's lifetime.
Our new innovative curriculum (WP3) is based on a matrix (WP2), analysing the status quo of sustainable development in VET in Europe and operationalising the SDGs of the United Nations, tapping into an official agreement for the entire EU. The objective here is to break down the broad concepts of the SDGs and other theoretical frameworks to the reality of VET in companies and to make it applicable and ready to use.
Additionally, the project includes a challenge for the VET learners (WP5) to design their personal job related project and bring the learned content to life in their hosting company. Through a prize, projects are recognised, documented and published and serve as best practice for the mobilities to come and companies looking to innovate their VET through sustainable development. This shows the participants all over Europe as well as the wider audience how sustainability can be achieved in the business context, thus fighting the climate change together.
These results are clearly preparing the VET learners for the labour market of the future and its needs as sustainability, innovative thinking, digital appliances and international mobility will be essential in our globalised yet more and more environment-conscious world. Using an app and integrated bite-sized learning content in the form of micro credentials also presents an innovation in vocational education and training, catering to the VET learners’ and the respective staff’s needs and preferences. This new, innovative, joint European curriculum will foster green skills and make all users – VET learners, mentors, mobility staff, and the wider public – aware of the environmental impact of their doing.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.